Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Kids at school and outing for 5/31/11

I took these pictures today. They include the kids that constantly follow us around and our trip to downtown Çorlu. We went to a small bazaar and everything.
There is also one little kid that I will refer to as Chicken Little. Thats because he looks just like him adn he is very annoying. He followed us around shouting yesnoyesnoyesno!!! and other things. I will poıint him out. Enjoy!!!!

Our classroom

Playing volleybol with the kids

Chicken Little

Chicken Little

This is a group of 2nd graders whose teacher asked us to come in and ask them questions to help them practice their English.

Aren´t they adorable?

The bazaar downtown

Baby ducks

Center of Çorlu


Senih at the playground

All of us and Anneanne

Ummm... Kate? You´re on a giant dog.

Lovely picture Jenny! Nice way to eat your ice cream.

What the...?

Downtown Çorlu

Senih got sleepy

This is where we had dinner tonight. It was very nıce.

Ben and Luke being celebreties.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Here I am


Well we are at day 2 in Turkey. For the most part we have been sleeping. We went shopping for Ben our fellow traveler who lost his luggage. Everywhere we stopped, Kate, fell asleep. We went to a restuarant at 2 in the afternoon. After we ate we all fell asleep. I guess people were staring and asking Mrs. Ozer what was wrong.

We have a 4 hour bus ride to the school ;-)

Ok, well that was Ben. So yes, we will be taking a 4 hour bus ride to Corlu where the school is. We will either be staying with a host family.
May 31, 2011

We are staying with a host family. They are really nice. Today was our first day of school. We got mobbed by a whole bunch of kids who were asking us things in English and we were answering in Turkish. They started kinda chasing us and following us and locked ourselves in the computer lab.

Our host family is actually really nice. After dinner they took us to a restaurant that serves baklava and sticky ice cream. It was really good. then when we got home they gave us more food. I think we will explode!!! Anyway, I'm going to say goodbye for now.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


So this is how my trip is going to go.
  • The first two days we will be staying at my teacher's mothers house. We will be able to relax and get our brains working before we start school.
  • The first two weeks is going to be in Corlu. We will be in a private school out in the country. We will be having "intensive language study". And we will either be staying in dorms or with host families. I'm not completely sure.
  • Then we come to the interesting part. The traveling!!!! We will first spend 3 days in Istanbul. Then we will go to Bursa for 2 days and Izmir for 2 days. Last, we will visit Denizli for a day. We will then head back to Istanbul and come home!
This is going to be very exciting! My favorite part: We get to see Ephesus!  I think it will be so amazing to see such a historical place!
I will keep you posted, Thanks!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hi Everyone!

Hey Everyone,
I just want to thank everyone for supporting me in my trip. Throughout the next couple weeks I will keep all of you posted on what's going on during my trip.
For those of you that don't know what exactly is going on, I am going to Turkey for three weeks. The first two weeks, I will be in school for "intensive language study". The last week will be traveling to four different cities in Turkey for several days.
This is a school trip called Turkish Summer School. this is for people at my school who take Turkish. I have been taking it for two years. I wouldn't say that I'm fluent but the stuff that I do know, I am confident in.
So thank you everyone. Keep watch. I will try and put up as much as I can but can't guarentee everyday. I will also try and post some pictures of all the beautiful sites in Turkey.